I first spotted the skull over thanksgiving break in November, 2004, with a flashlight just after sunset. I thought it was a skull at the time, but hadn't seriously thought about getting a permit yet. After I started the permit application process, I actually forgot entirely about the skull, and hadn't thought seriously about excavating it. When I finally stumbled across it again, I thought "why the hell not?" and up until the last few weeks, I've regretted the decision. Bottom line - I spent five months preparing the soft matrix from the ventral side, and in Spring 2006 I moved it to Museum of the Rockies, where I've been (intermittently, given my school schedule) preparing it with pneumatic airchisels since.
Four years of preparing it with pneumatic tools - this skull was encased in a ridiculously hard concretion which only gets harder toward the center; concretions from elsewhere in the Purisima Formation are "nice" in that they 1) are of constant hardness throughout, and 2) the rock splits off the bone in these other cases. For this specimen, rock never splits off the bone, and in most cases I've had to prep all but 1-2mm of rock away and then grind it down with the airchisel, so some surfaces have definitely gotten a little scored. No matter, because all the sutures are visible, and it looks pretty nice anyway (unless you look at it with a hand lens). So shoot me; if I'd done it 'better', I'd have another year or two of prepwork to do. As it is, I'm leaving some matrix in the left temporal fossa, and elsewhere.

After the top jacket dried (which took over a day, due to the extremely humid air and my lack of jacketing experience), my temporary field assistant (and friend since 1st grade) Matt Berrini and I used what resources we had, and played 'egyptian' for a while: the ancient egyptians used earth for monument construction. For building pyramids, they built an earthen ramp; for raising obelisks, they had a chamber filled with sand; after the obelisk was raised by ropes, the obelisk was propped up by the sand in the chamber, which was slowly removed, allowing the obelisk to become upright with comparatively little further struggle. So - we built a fairly large 'ramp' of beach sand up to the jacket (as the skull was about 1 meter above the beach) so that the jacket did not break apart and collapse during flipping. In retrospect, the incredible density of the concretion probably indicated we could have probably let it fall anyway (although parts of the bones protruded from the concretion's boundaries, and may have broken).
Anyway, that's all for now, but soon I'll have another post about the prep process, and let you in on the last 5 years of my life.
Anyway, that's all for now, but soon I'll have another post about the prep process, and let you in on the last 5 years of my life.
Thoroughly enjoyed this account of your field work and look forward to more as you prep the skull. When did it become clear that only the skull was there?
I'll have a post fairly soon about the initial prep process - I'm currently in the final stages of prep (i.e. mechanical preparation will be done by tuesday, the rest of the skull pieces glued on by wednesday, and the cradles constructed by friday, and saturday will be in my car on its way to UCMP).
I figured there might not be much associated with the skull at first due to the fact that no other bones were exposed. We didn't find any bones during trenching, and there were no cervical vertebrae articulated at the back of the skull, so I figured there wasn't an associated skeleton. Additional erosion in the intervening years hasn't exposed anything new.
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