In any event, there were only a few attempts to answer the quiz, and no one got it, so I'll give the answers and explanations here.
1). The whale vertebral column.
Note: The B. musculus skeleton is shown in lateral view, and the fossil is shown in dorsal view.
2). The unidentified bone.
3). Another mystery 'thing'.
The mystery thing was, another mysticete fossil (see a common theme here?). In this case, this specimen is identifiable to the genus level, even though its still in the field. A) - reconstruction of the skull of Herpetocetus bramblei; B) - Pleasure Point specimen of Herpetocetus bramblei; C) - in-situ skull of Herpetocetus sp. (late Pliocene).
Unfortunately, this skull is in one of the hardest primary sedimentary rocks I've ever seen or hammered upon, and in a block the size of a refridgerator. There's no way this thing is coming out without access to a jackhammer and a truck. There are four labeled features that help identify it as Herpetocetus. Some of these are not unique to Herpetocetus, but do not occur in any other known contemporaneous mysticetes, so can be used for purposes of identification. 1) The cranial vertex; the vertex is pyramidal in shape, bears a distinct saggital crest on the supraoccipital, which is also very acute. 2) There is a distinct deep fossa medial of the dorsal crest of the squamosal, which is an synapomorphy of the clade Herpetocetinae. 3) The zygomatic process of the squamosal is anteriorly oriented. 4) The postorbital process is elongate and finger like, which may be a reversal to the primitive condition of mysticetes.
Anyway, these are just some things you can keep an eye out for in the field to help you identify in-situ fossils. As a rule, I generally collect everything that isn't a cetacean rib or vertebra.
I feel edified. Can we cover the cetacean jaw adductor system next?
Hey Neil,
Thats something I definitely need to read more about before I try writing anything. But, don't worry, I'll be covering whale jaws in the future.
Oh yeah, as long as I'm making ridiculous requests--I'm not sure what you're after on your trip to the Pac NW, but some more Kolponomos material would be great. Thanks. :)
Also if you're in the market for a field assistant....
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