Monday, March 28, 2011

Only four more days to submit an abstract for the Aquatic Tetrapods Conference!

All you marine vertebrate folks out there reading my blog (admittedly a very small minority of a minority of the vert paleo community) and not working on the abstract you should be for the Aquatic Tetrapods meeting, listen up! Abstract submission closes on friday, April 1st: I've been informed that not too many people have registered so far, so get on it!

FYI: you have to register for the meeting before you can submit an abstract.

For more information, check out the conference website:


  1. well...most people wait for the last minute, so this is not that unusual

    I do wonder what the turn out will be like. Originally there was a fairly large contingent from Japan planning to go, but I imagine with the recent problems overseas there might be issues...

  2. Yeah - unfortunately, as it stands, that does mean that the conference may be canceled if more submissions/registrations are not made soon. I just have yet to register; I have my abstract written.

  3. really? things are that dire?

    I have registered but still need to submit and abstract
