Thursday, February 24, 2011

New artwork I: Cynthiacetus reconstruction

Hey folks,

Some of you cetophiles may have already seen photos of this specimen floating around on the internet. I thought the mount was pretty dynamic, and would work well as a skeletal reconstruction - so I did it. A photo of this specimen which has thus far only been identified as cf. Cynthiacetus is featured in a recent paper by Christian de Muizon.

Cynthiacetus is a dorudontine archaeocete that was originally described from the Eocene of Mississippi by Mark Uhen. He also referred a few vertebrae and a partial skeleton to this taxon from the Eocene of Egypt. This new skeleton (and I am not sure how complete it is) is from the Eocene of Peru, and is part of a large new collection of Peruvian archaeocete cetaceans we will be hearing about over the next few years.


  1. Hello!
    Is Muizon (2007) the reference you talked about (french paper)?

  2. Yes, I believe that was the year. It was a Christian de Muizon summary article, but I can only read some french, and relatively slowly at that.

  3. Is that "Cynthiacetus" peruvianus Martìnez-Càceres & Muizon (2011)?

  4. Fabrizio, Manuel's paper on C. peruvianus just got published a few months ago. That is one and the same.
